We can now confirm that Piplotti Rist will feature as part of Visual Deflections. Pipilotti Rist’s pioneering video work has been aspirational for a generation of emerging artists. This event will screen such artist’s alongside Rist’s (Absolutions) Pipilotti’s Mistakes.
LAST CHANCE FOR SUBMISSIONS. We are looking for short films (5 mins) that respond to the concept of Visual Deflections. Email entries to visualdeflections@hotmail.co.uk. Please send links or high resolution .mov via www.yousendit.com.
Get your submission in now!! Entries must be received by 17th August 2009
Work will be selected around the idea of Visual Deflections which infers the interruption of the image through distortions of time, movement, light and space. It may also suggest a manipulation of assumptions and identifications that reverberate between the spectator and the projected image.
Enquiries to visualdeflections@hotmail.co.uk
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